Gifted Practice

Are you ready to reclaim RESOURCE within your body?

Are you ready to awaken your feminine essence, vitality and radiance?

Are you ready to become a fully embodied woman?

Welcome Beloved Woman

My love, I see you. I see you because I have been you.

So many of us are playing the role of the burnt-out woman

The burnt-out woman exists in a state of victim energy, lacking boundaries, placing blame externally, projecting onto her external world, carrying wounds of doing it all, believing no one can support her, and placing others' needs above her own while constantly complaining about it.

Within the gentle whispers of our bodies, we often find the profound wisdom that is calling forth to guide us towards becoming a resourced woman.‌

To me, a well-nourished resourced woman is a testament to the power of self-love and self-care, a living embodiment of grace and strength.

She is a woman who knows the art of clear boundaries, the language of her own heart, and the importance of nurturing her soul.‌

A resourced woman honors the ebb and flow of her cyclical nature, for she is intimately connected with her essence and the rhythms that course through her.‌

She is the guardian of her fertile energy, recognising it as a sacred indicator of her life force.

Her essence embodies balance, her movements resonate with ease, and she finds sanctuary in the embrace of her cyclical nature.

An undernourished woman, on the other hand, is a soul yearning for the embrace of self-compassion and self-nurturing.

She may often find herself ensnared in the addictive web of stress hormones coursing through her body, constantly pushing her to achieve more, glorifying the relentless busyness that threatens to overshadow her true essence.‌

Abandoning herself and her needs becomes a common theme, for she is often an overachiever, relentlessly pushing and forcing her way through life's challenges.

The beauty of her cyclical nature remains dishonored and misunderstood, as she tirelessly exhausts her vital energy.‌

This undernourished woman often finds herself caught in never-ending drama loops and unhealthy habits, entangled in patterns that no longer serve her well-being.

Yet, amidst all of this, she carries the ember of her resourced self waiting to be rekindled, for she too can cultivate a life of Embodied Resource

Are you ready to become an Embodied ReSourced Woman?

The embodied resourced woman voices her needs, holds healthy boundaries, prioritizes herself and self-care, understands that she cannot pour from an empty cup, embraces her sovereignty, and leads herself through life while being deeply connected to her feminine power.

In this gifted journey you will receive

  • body based pratices to cultivate resource

  • wisdom and teaching to expand your knowledge of resource, embodiment, safety, survival energy, lymphatic support and so much more

  • body-led practice moving deep into your inner feminine essence

  • build awareness on how to cultivate resource, safety and capacity within

  • a space to relax into your inner world

  • support to soften and create space to listen to the wisdom within your body and womb

  • which guides you into greater capacity to become more availability for life love relationship connection intimacy creation and abundance

You will receive a course of emails offering you wisdom, insights, teachings, embodiment & resourcing practices, podcasts blogs and audios.

Can you imagine:

Feeling connected to your body, energy, and emotions. Can you imagine taking full responsibility for yourself whilst maintaining balanced energy, body, and mind?

Can you imagine being able to support yourself to come back into regulation when you may be taken into or pulled into a dysregulated state?

Can you imagine making decisions and choices from a regulated present place and allowing yourself to be held and supported?

Can you imagine entering relationships from an integrated place of mind, body, emotion, feeling, and intuition, leading from your own fullness, knowing that serving yourself serves your family and community?

Can you imagine letting go of perfectionism and people-pleasing and celebrating and welcoming all parts of yourself to the table?

My Love are you YEARNING to…

  • Be part of a community of like-minded women

  • Be held, seen witnessed and nourished with practices, ceremonies and energy healing that support your feminine energy.

  • Awaken to new energetic imprints to create a new reality for your life.

  • Journey into the vast depths of your body and womb space to heal and awaken your feminine energy and power.

  • Let go of held and stored limitations, outdated beliefs, non-serving identities, blocks and patterns.

  • Awaken deeper into a new purpose and vision for your life, relationships and creations.

  • Connect, share, listen, explore and expand in a safe community of women awakening into their own power

Meet Your Guide

Hello beautiful. You’re here because you feel the call of your body to return to her and hold her in the honor and reverence that is her birthright.

You’re a woman who is ready for cellular restoration and deep nourishment through connection to yourself, body heart and womb

I am here to show you how.

I am globally known as a womb keeper + spiritual midwife , pioneering the way in Feminine Embodiment, Womb Awakening, Body Nourishment

I support women to reconnect with themselves from a rooted place to become resourced and re nourished

Rebecca supports women to arrive into deeper relationship with themselves and their bodies. Rebecca Wilson, is a wisdom keeper of the feminine frequency, womb awakener and great mother energy She supports women to reorient themselves into deeper relationship with their bodies wombs, fertile, energy, creative power and potential Rebecca guides women back into connection with their natural essence go become the living embodiment of the true nature. To experience life, inhabiting their body fully through embodiment, somatic practices, womb, awakening, remineralisation, and energetic frequency realignment. Rebecca‘s wisdom,support guides women traversing the path of womanhood + motherhood Rebecca believes that fertile energy, creative power, embodied, resourced, nourished loving is the birthright of all women Guiding women into embodied resource responsibility sovereignty and cellular nourishment