Healing The Visibility Wound and Being Seen in Business.
This is an unfolding that I have been witnessing and guiding many women in my world through this inner healing.
Becoming visible and being seen.
This shows up in the spaces and the containers that I hold in many different forms and in many different contexts.
When we begin to unravel all the stories back to the main source, to the root, and unravel that yarn back to the beginning, we can see the wound that lives in the epicentre. The wound of being seen and visible.
We often find that this wound, this shadow, lives within the small child inside of us.
This deep fear of being seen and being visible within life and within relationships can be very alive and active.
For some women, that can be a deep fear of being seen by their partner or their friends, or their children. For other women, it shows up in a fear of being visible within their business and their creations. It could be stepping out into the world of social media or creating a website, mailout list or blog.
My personal journey
My personal journey with this wound and with this integration and healing process was that this fear, was very visceral for me, like a somatic nervous system terror of being truly seen.
It has shown up in many different forms, in many different areas of my life at different times. It began with friends and deep profound connections with sisters and women in my world. It showed up in my business and in sharing myself with that world. Sharing myself with a community and audience. Having to be present on social media and having pictures for the website. It showed up in my marketing, writing a mail out and pressing send, and having to show and reveal more of myself in that way.
It also revealed itself within my intimate relationship and partnership.
A deep fear of being seen for who I truly am.
In all the areas in which this has shown up for me and the many women that I support, is this deep fear of being seen. This fear of being visible for who they truly are.
We live in a world that conditions us to be everything other than ourselves. How could we not carry some fear around truly being seen for who we are?
Cloak of Protection
If I step out in the world as a persona, as who I think the world wants me to be, or who I have been told I need to be, I will receive love, connection, and safety.
We can unconsciously step into this suit or this armour, meaning I am exactly who the world needs me to be. I need to be this person in order to be loved, accepted, valued and appreciated. I can never be abandoned, rejected, or denied.
We believe it is from this place, that I can never lose love, which is the ultimate wound.
I am being who, my culture, collective society, and family system say I need to be.
There can still be a fear alive in the body around being visible in that, but there's somehow this cloak of protection because we're not truly being who we are when we arrive at our truest awakening. When the light is shone upon that and all of that is illuminated,it's very hard not to see it anymore. I think that's great because we're here to heal and awaken.
We can no longer hide in that cloak of protection of being other. We arrive at the journey of, who am I?
It's much easier to be visible and seen in a persona or an identity that is false, not true, or has been carved and curated around who we believe we must be.
As we unravel the journey of awakening within the deep layers of pattern, story, narrative, belief, family system, childhood traumas and wounds, imprints, impressions and so on we come into that part of ourselves. The truest essence of our being, and we re-meet her because she's always been there.
She is underneath all of the layers or hidden under the clutter, maybe packed away in a dark, quiet corner somewhere in our psyche, we get to learn who we are here to be.
We begin to share the truest part of ourselves with the world in our relationships with friends, partners, and children. We begin to share in the community, in business, your audience, and so on. And this is the place where we truly heal the visibility and the fear of being seen wound.
How does that show up within the realm of conscious and sacred business?
Often this can show up as who does my audience wants me to be?
‘What do they want from me?’ ‘If I'll be that, then they'll stay’. They'll keep following me. They won't unsubscribe from my content.
‘What is everybody else out there doing?’ I must be like that.
That's the conditioning of the culture of a conscious world.
In those moments we rob ourselves of a profound opportunity to be real, to be raw, to be true, and to experience deep, heartfelt connection.
When we return back to ourselves, when we allow or take the steps or guide ourselves upon the journey of walking ourselves home to ground, to anchor to root in the center of self, we naturally begin to awaken to our truest, most authentic expression.
This is a very powerful and potent journey to take, to walk through this inner awakening of finding steady and solid ground within yourself.
To step into the truest expression of you, so that part of you, the true whole part of you, your essence can be felt witnessed, seen.
We heal the wound of visibility when we allow ourselves to be visible and to be seen for who we truly are.
Being visible into your own self, there is no longer a projection from within to the external world when you cultivate safety, steadiness, and love in seeing yourself being visible to yourself at that so depth cellular.
There is never a projection of that fear or wound to be placed outside because you have you, you see you, you are truly visible to you, and this is the journey that is so alive and active in my world right now.
The feminine is awakening at such a rapid pace.
She is rising in awe.
This yearning and longing that has lived within the field of women and the feminine to be seen and be visible, to find steady ground in sharing themselves in relationships, in connection in the community, in socials, and in business.
My strongest desire is for all women to arrive back into their own space, their own center, to be visible to themselves, to truly see themselves, and allow others to see them too.
I love to hear what's moving, what's touching, and what's shaking your world so that I am better able to feel the expressions to share here in this space together. You can find me on Instagram, my inbox is always open. I welcome your transformations
Love Rebecca x