What Is Embodied Resource?

Embodied resource is a concept that centers around nurturing an innate sense of strength, resilience, and vitality within yourself. It embodies a state of being where you cultivate a deep connection with your body, mind, and spirit, harnessing inner resources to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. A resourced body is a nervous system that is flexible, and able to move with the waves of life, to experience activation or trigger, and allow the process to move through the body and nervous system and return to regulation, rather than staying stuck in dysregulation.

Understanding Embodied Resource:

Embodied resource refers to the embodiment of personal strength and resilience found within the physical, emotional, and energetic dimensions of your whole being.

It encompasses the integration of your life experiences, self-awareness, and a deep-rooted sense of inner strength, serving as a wellspring of resilience during life's trials.

Elements of Embodied Resource:

Mind-Body Connection: At the heart of embodied resource lies a profound connection between the mind and body. It involves being attuned to bodily sensations, emotions, and thought patterns, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself.

Self-Awareness and Self-Compassion:
Cultivating self-awareness allows individuals to recognise their strengths, limitations, and triggers. Combined with self-compassion, it enables one to embrace imperfections and navigate challenges with kindness and understanding.

Resilience and Adaptability:
Embodying resourcefulness fosters resilience—the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to changing circumstances. It involves tapping into inner strengths and coping mechanisms during times of stress or difficulty.

Presence and Grounding:
Embracing embodied resource involves grounding yourself in the present moment. It allows you to draw strength from your inner core, fostering a sense of stability and presence amidst life's fluctuations.

How to Cultivate Embodied Resource:

  • Embodied movement practices

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Meditation

  • Body-centered approach

  • Self-awareness

Embracing embodied resource is a journey—a conscious practice of nurturing inner strength and resilience.

By cultivating a deeper connection with yourself, acknowledging personal strengths, and fostering a sense of presence, individuals pave the way for a life guided by inner wisdom and resourcefulness. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment—a continual process of nurturing the innate strength within and navigating life's ebbs and flows with resilience and grace.

This is the deep embodied work that I guide and support so many women on, to become resourced inside of themselves.

If you are a woman yearning and longing to arrive back into connection to yourself and your body, I offer an Awakening Woman Mentorship to guide you deep into embodiment, healing and integration.

So you can become more available for connection and relationships.

You can find out more about how I can guide you deeper into becoming a resourced woman here

with love,

Rebecca x


The Calcified Woman


Recognising Signs of Mineral Dysregulation