10 Things I Wish Women In Business Knew About Embodiment


10 things I wish women in business knew about embodiment

Embodiment cultivates a deeper connection to self which allows a deeper connection to others

In this episode I share 10 things I wish women in business knew about the benefits of Embodiment

There are so many more!!

If you are a woman in conscious business and are longing to deepen into embodiment to support your creations and relationships I invite you to join us for

Embodied Business  Mastermind

A 6 week journey for female entrepreneurs to activate and awaken embodied leadership.

You’re craving to know how to do business the feminine way; deeply embodied and from the fullness of your being.

You are ready to ready to move deep within to energetically, emotionally and physically embody the frequency of divine creation

You long for fuller richer wilder expression within your life, love, creation, business, purpose, heart womb and body.

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to Embodied Alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson. An embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller, richer you. I am an embodied business coach, embodiment queen, sacred business midwife, and alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful, embodied, and rooted space within him.

    [00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be. Create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy that is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on Earth. Welcome on the Journey, my love.

    [00:01:08] Hello, loves welcome, welcome. So I'm dropping in today with a sweet little episode. 10 things I Wish Women in Business knew about. Embodiment. Number one, embodiment cultivates a deeper connection to self exploring embodied practices allow you as a woman in business to connect deeper into yourself, your center, your.

    [00:01:42] so that you are anchored, rooted, and grounded with him. Number two, embodiment awakens creativity when we are embodied. We are alive in our own body and being, we are better able to access the rivers and [00:02:00] energies of creativity and creation that live within us. We're more able to activate and awaken creativity to access it, to bring it forward into all that we create in our sacred business.

    [00:02:18] Number three, embodiment supports nervous system regulation and cultivates a rooted, grounded energy. Embodiment and somatic practices support you to be able to regulate your nervous system, to move from dysregulated states to regulated states in a calm, peaceful, rooted. So that at those times and those moments in business, in creation, in leadership, that maybe pull you out of your center, pull you into a past feeling or emotion, or disregulate you in some way, and here's a little tip here, that's always [00:03:00] going to happen because we're human beings with pasts, with feelings and emotion.

    [00:03:06] In relationship to self, to others, to our businesses, we're gonna get dysregulated. But the practice of embodiment supports you to become more regulated, more easily and more quickly so that we can move from trigger or dysregulation to rooted and regulated. Number four, embodiment supports you to cultivate safety within.

    [00:03:34] Within business and creation and leadership, were often facing more challenging moments, more challenging conversations, big decision making moments, et cetera. The being embodied, being rooted and connected to your body allows you to cultivate that sense of safety that we all need as human beings within.

    [00:03:59] So [00:04:00] you're not placing the safety. Externally, you are rooted and anchored in safety in your own being and your own self. From there, we are always more equipped to make more challenging conversations and decisions in our life, in our business, and in leadership. Number five, embodiment expands your capacity as an entrepreneur and a business owner to move through challenges.

    [00:04:30] In a creative, balanced, and harmonious way. Often, we all are moving through life and through our experiences at our own capacity to hold certain energies, emotions, and expressions When we arrive into embodied practice and we become an embodied woman. We begin the journey of expanding our capacity to [00:05:00] move through contractions, conflicts, and challenges to be able to hold those experiences in a more embodied and rooted way.

    [00:05:10] This, in turn, has a huge impact on all that you create and share within your world, your business, the spaces that you offer, the products and services that you offer your community and audiences. Number six. Embodiment supports you to process your own emotions effectively. Having a practice, an embodiment practice, allows you as a business owner, a creative, a space holder, an entrepreneur, an embodied leader to process your own emotions effectively before moving into.

    [00:05:50] Connection with another. So as we spoke into life, business creation, community all bring their own challenge. [00:06:00] That is what relationship is all about. Having embodiment practices are a vital tool in your kit to be able to support you to process your own emotions effectively and cleanly so that we are not in a journey or a process of projecting.

    [00:06:17] Pains, feelings, emotions, onto situations, relationships, clients or experiences. Having these tools, these practices in place, allows you to process what is there, feel, what needs to be felt, release the charge, and step forward and on with whatever it is that you're creating or sharing with the world. Seven.

    [00:06:41] Embodiment supports you to expand your capacity to hold space for your clients, customers, your audience. And your community. So whether you are in the space holding industry as a healer, coach, therapist, and so on, or whether you are [00:07:00] a product-based business VA, or working in marketing or any other creative space.

    [00:07:08] We are all in relationship with someone and something, whether that be clients, customers, audience, community, team members. Having an embodiment practice expands your capacity to be able to hold space for others, for those that you are in relationship with, and also expand your capacity to hold space for yourself and the multiverse of emotions and feelings that may.

    [00:07:37] On the journey of entrepreneurship, creation, business, and within the realm of relationship, which is what all of this is. Number eight, embodiment supports you to cultivate presence, which allows you to be present with yourself, present in your day-to-day tasks, in your to-do lists, in your creations. [00:08:00] Also allows you to be present within your interactions within your business and your leadership, whether that be with clients, with your team members, with your audience, with those who you are in co-creation.

    [00:08:14] Having presence supports a deepening of connection and relationship with those that you are connecting with and in relationship to. And this is an all rounder of cultivating and welcoming harmony and relationship to be present within your business, your leadership, your community. presence is a beautiful gift to offer when you are in business, and it really is rooted in service.

    [00:08:45] Presence as an embodied leader is a vital expression and energy to cultivate. Number nine, embodiment supports you to expand your compass. [00:09:00] and your ability to attune to and have compassion for others. So when we're really rooted, anchored in our body, we're able to sense into the felt experience of others.

    [00:09:16] From here, we have a greater understanding and a greater capacity or greater compass. available whilst in relationship to all those that we are in relationship to in our business and our creations. This supports us to have the ability to attune to others, and this is really important if you are in the space holding healing coaching field because that ability to attune to others is vital in that offering of holding space to witness, feel, hear and understand your clients.

    [00:09:53] but if you're not in that realm of work, we are all on some level holding space for everyone [00:10:00] and everything. Even outside of our businesses relationship is a journey of offering space to other holding space for other, while simultaneously being able to hold yourself and give space for yourself too, and having that expanded compassion and that ability to attune to self other and the moment or the experience that is alive and being shared offers a greater understanding, human to human being to being.

    [00:10:30] Embodiment will support this. And number 10, embodiment and being embodied activates a greater capacity to receive more. When we are truly embodied, we are present. We are in the moment, we are open, we are soft. We are receptive to the presence of what is unfolding here. And. , when we are not embodied, disembodied, disassociated, [00:11:00] detached, we are often in a historical timeline or a future one that's not even been created yet.

    [00:11:08] We're somewhere other than here. Now, having an embodiment practice and awakening into embodied leadership allows you to open a greater capacity to be receptive and to receive. Because you are present in the moment. You are present in what is here for you. Now, that has a multiverse of benefits. It makes you more creative, more understanding, a better listener, able to have clearer communication, supports a regulation of your nervous system, this sense of grounding and rooting.

    [00:11:46] Being anchored within yourself, centered able to understand everything that's going on in every moment within your business because you are present and grounded in it [00:12:00] with compassion, leadership and the ability to move through, challenge, conflict, and arrive into resolution in a more useful, smooth, and regulated way.

    [00:12:15] these are the benefits plus many, many more of becoming an embodied leader. Having an embodiment practice as a woman in business is vital for these times. Nurturing yourself, nurturing the relationship to your body, your being nurturing your own energy, emotions, feelings. , being able to cultivate safety within yourself.

    [00:12:46] Learning practices to regulate your nervous system, all support you to deepen into connection to yourself, which in turn allows a greater connection within your business [00:13:00] creations, the spaces that you hold, the relationships that you have, and all of that. Feeds back into the loop of making you a more fuller, richer, embodied leader.

    [00:13:14] If this is speaking to you and you know this is the missing piece for you and your journey in business creation, leadership, space holding, and so much more, whatever it is you are creating in the world. The Embodied Business six Week Mastermind is for. . We begin this journey on the 1st of March, 2023, and this is one of my signature programs, a six week journey where we dive deep into the embodied expressions of business, embodying your message, your reason, your why, deepening into healing your nervous system, understanding the nervous system and your business, and the relationship between the.
    [00:13:59] [00:14:00] embodied practice to release energy and emotion practices to support grounding and safety within releasing any energy of stories or habits that keep you locked into past or future dynamics in the mind. Cultivating deeper presence with yourself, which welcomes deeper presence with your customers and your clients.

    [00:14:24] Awakening magnetism, exploring your message. Your storytelling and your expressions with the world and how you express what you are here to share and deepening into the embodied leader that you are here to be. , all the details are linked in the show notes. You can also find this information on my website, rebecca hyphen wilson.com, or you can connect with me on Instagram at Rebecca underscore Wilson.

    [00:14:54] Underscore, I'd love to hear from you. If this has landed with you in some [00:15:00] way, it's activated something inside of you. Come and say hello. Drop into my inbox. Let me know what's moving. I love to hear and explore all of these things with you. We begin the 1st of March. It's a limited container, just 14 places.

    [00:15:19] I really look forward to welcoming you to join us. Have a beautiful day, my love.

    [00:15:29] Thank you for joining me on this journey today. If you love this musing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and. You can arrive into all of my offerings@rebeccawilson.com. Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent, powerful, embodied version of you.[00:16:00]

    [00:16:00] I am here to guide you.

This is your invitation to join Embodied Business Mastermind - 6 weeks of wisdom, expansion and awakening for women to ecstatically birth themselves, their visions, creations and business ideas into the world.

Through this mastermind we will explore

* Embodiment
* Releasing stories
* Reforming limited identities
* Your message
* Your why
* Your reason
* Somatic expansion+ scaling
* Business + The nervous system
* Sacred launch
* Magnetic story telling + marketing
* Embodied leadership
* Becoming the you YOU are here to be

Limited places available

We begin 1st March 2023

Join us here

Receive your free EMBODIED BUSINESS course here


How I Evolved My Business…. The Embodied Way


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