Wealthy Body + Womb

Rebecca Wilson

A woman who has awakened to her Primal Life Force Energy is in Connection to the abundance within her body and womb space. 

She has activated her WEALTHY BODY + WOMB ENERGY. 

This naturally creates a vibration of abundance and prosperity within her whole body, womb and energy field.

When rooted in this vibration and living from her heart + womb in constant connection to the life force energy coursing through her she is naturally a magnet for all experiences of abundance. 

What are you creating in your life and from what Space? 

If we are creating a life from outdated patterns, behaviours and wounds we will create just that.

When we look within to see, clear and release these outdated programs and limitations we are able to embody our natural state of consciousness, abundance and wealth.

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to embodied alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson, an embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller richer you. I am an embodied business coach embodiment queen sacred business, [00:00:30] midwife, and Alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful embodied and rooted space within.

    [00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be, create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy. That is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on earth. Welcome on the journey. My love.

    [00:01:12] Hello, loves and welcome back to the embodied alchemy podcast. It's so beautiful to be together again. Okay. So today's musicing and sharing feels more like an [00:01:30] activation.

    [00:01:33] a very deep portal. An energy at this time here with me as I'm recording this transmission is the energy in creating a really rich embodied wealth experience. An activation a wealth alchemy journey [00:02:00] is something that has been arriving with me for some time. and it's been really weaving its way into my work and my offerings.

    [00:02:10] And so this is what I am here today to share with you and to welcome you and invite you into our wealth alchemy activation container. We, which we begin journeying on the 20th of June and we [00:02:30] journey over and through the summer solstice. To really anchor the energy and the power of that time.

    [00:02:44] I'm gonna feel into this offering and into this transmission and activation I'm sharing with you today. It feels so good in my body. And so super aligned. [00:03:00] it's like a spark of light has been activated in me, a golden luminous light. And this is a journey that I have created from the spaces that I have been guiding so many women on in my one-to-one spaces and mentorships and business activations.

    [00:03:26] But as it does the call, the nudge. [00:03:30] Deep inside arrived for this to become a journey, a group journey that we get to explore a journey activate together outside of my one-to-one containers. And so I journeyed the process deeply of creating this three week portal a three week activation for us to share together.

    [00:03:59] and [00:04:00] I'm so excited to share it with you all. But today I really wanted to drop in here and just speak into the energy of wealth and how we are able to activate wealth in our body, our wealth body, our wealth, energy, and our wealth codes and our wealthy womb.

    [00:04:26] So the first step or stage, and part of [00:04:30] this journey is to arrive into the awareness of the current stories, patterns, beliefs, and energies, the shadows that we have wrapped around money that we have wrapped around wealth and abundance. that we have woven into the frequency and energy of wealth and abundance.

    [00:04:59] What [00:05:00] stories have you placed on money and wealth? What have we made money be in our life, in our world?

    [00:05:12] What have we made wealth mean to us? For us in our life and our life experiences.

    [00:05:22] This is often the conditioning that we have conceived and adopted [00:05:30] through family systems through collective and societal patterns and ways of being and expectations and through our culture. And we absorb these beliefs stories, energies, and take them in as our. And we just live in the pattern, like all of our patterns, all of our belief systems, most of them falsely inherited and conceived [00:06:00] yet we adopt them, take them on as our truth and then believe them to be exactly what we are conditioned told.

    [00:06:14] they are without really getting curious or asking why mainly because we adopt most of our patterns and beliefs and stories in our formative years [00:06:30] when we don't really ask why we just take on the energy that we're surrounded by.

    [00:06:39] And this often begins before we've even been birthed. Before we've even been born unto the earth. We begin to adopt patterns and energies and beliefs in our mother's womb. When we are floating in the gestational fluid of [00:07:00] our mother's womb, we are being imprinted with story belief, identities. And

    [00:07:10] so we may just be able to feel in this moment, the depth of where our beliefs and stories are sourced from and how deeply they can be woven into our being[00:07:30]

    [00:07:30] well today, I really want to bring the energy into. what is true and alive for you? What are you holding about wealth and abundance? What have you made money wealth abundance mean for you through the stories, through the patterns, through the beliefs, what have they formed within you? What energetics are here [00:08:00] for you?

    [00:08:01] what's the energy in your body. Now, even as you feel into wealth and money and abundance,

    [00:08:11] cause this is the gateway. This present moment feeling is the first step. It allows us to open that doorway and journey that road back to the source point.[00:08:30]

    [00:08:31] It's the doorway that we open to reclaim your birthright, which is wild embodied, alive wealth and abundance, and a magnetic and healthy relationship with.

    [00:08:52] but first we must establish where we are now. What is the ground? What is the field of energy that's wrapped in [00:09:00] and around money and wealth in your body, in your being deeply woven into your nervous system, into your heart, belly and wo.

    [00:09:18] And as we begin to explore this, we can often unravel some very deep and complex feelings. [00:09:30] So welcome you to bring that to your own sacred practice, maybe exploring through journal embodiment through speaking, dropping into inner inquiry, even speaking to your body and asking her. How do we feel about money, about wealth?

    [00:09:52] What is the texture? The felt sensation that we're currently holding around this[00:10:00]

    [00:10:03] and simultaneously, beginning to explore, explore how it may feel to hold more wealth, more money, more abundance than whatever that means for you. how does it feel? The idea, the possibility of holding more wealth, more life force, more energy that may translate to more love, [00:10:30] more connection, more intimacy, more pleasure, more client.

    [00:10:34] Sure. More clients, more expansion and growth in your business. More creativity, more fertility. Wealth and abundance is deeply encoded in money, but it does not just live there. Embodied wealth and embodied abundance truly lives in many aspects of our being in many [00:11:00] expressions,

    [00:11:05] as we begin to move into exploration. Of how it currently feels in the body to hold money. We begin to activate a somatic experience. You know, we feel the energy rising, the sensation and emotion that unlocks and opens and [00:11:30] it reveals itself to us.

    [00:11:36] And it's at that point, we get to decide. we get to tune in deeply and ask, is this true for me right now? Or is this somebody else's story belief? Is this somebody else's voice? Do I really believe this now? [00:12:00] And do I desire to believe this now? Or am I ready and willing to choose differently?

    [00:12:10] and this may be a belief that you've carried for a very long time. And in no way, am I here to say we are to dishonor or discount that. when we ask in the present moment, is it true? Do you desire it to be [00:12:30] true? Do you desire it to be something different? We begin to open things inside of ourselves and they naturally begin to shift.

    [00:12:38] Questions are so powerful. Is

    [00:12:45] this belief and story something I wish to carry around and carry.

    [00:12:53] and if your soul is speaking, no many parts of the mind may [00:13:00] arrive and want to hold on and grasp and say, yes, of course, this is how it is for me. This is our belief. This is the pattern. This is the system. I welcome you to sink deeper than that somewhere inside of your soul.

    [00:13:22] Deep inside your soul. This part of you already knows, knows the truth. If you are [00:13:30] not aligning to the frequency that is available for your spirit and soul, your body, your spirit, your soul will speak to you. You will hear, you will know

    [00:13:45] because your soul already knows. How wealthy and abundant you are in your natural state of being. And so in this moment we get to alchemize. We get to transform. We get to [00:14:00] decide,

    [00:14:03] you get to decide if you're ready to take that journey of healing, your money story, your money wound. Of rewriting, the reality that you have once held around wealth and abundance to transform beliefs and patterns and ways of being your relationship to wealth, to money, to [00:14:30] prosperity and abundance, to pleasure and creation fertility.

    [00:14:37] all of these energetic aspects and manifestations of wealth.

    [00:14:45] And it's usually in that decision point that everything starts to shift because somewhere deep inside, you have decided I am choosing to change this story. And that's the first [00:15:00] page of the new chapter that we get to. We are able to write.

    [00:15:08] In the wealth alchemy process, we dive really deep into what is the shadow and what is the story? We thank it. We honor it. We take the wisdom from it and we alchemize it. We transform into what do I decide and claim it to be.[00:15:30]

    [00:15:34] and then from that place, we get to speak it out, move it out, breathe it in, anchor it into the body as an energetic frequency and embodied experience. And this is how we Recode the tapestry within. where we are able to activate and awaken your wealth body, your [00:16:00] wealthy energy, your wealthy womb,

    [00:16:05] your womb awakens us this space of creation and abundance. As wealth embodied is creation. Energy it's pure life force. It's our primal.

    [00:16:25] And so we activate not only our body and our energetic field, but our [00:16:30] womb space to the frequency of wealth, abundance, vitality, fertility creation, pure vibrant life force, luminous light. That's so activated and rooted in your body. And.

    [00:16:52] and then you get to create your life from this space. From this energetic blueprint, [00:17:00] you recreate your reality. You create your work visions, relationships, yourself, your businesses from this energetic transmission, from this energetic code. That you fully embody, that you are embodied in.

    [00:17:28] We claim power [00:17:30] to reweave that which you have now decided how it gets to be, how you desire to claim it is for yourself. Now, recoding your energy field, recoding your body and your. , this is an activation of the natural frequency of wealth, which is your birthright

    [00:17:55] because abundance is your natural state. It's [00:18:00] who you are. Pure light source of creation. That is you. That was what you were created. It's the light you were birthed from. It's your soul essence, your spirit, your energy beyond the form and everything that comes with being in human body and all of the patterns and stories gathered along the way.

    [00:18:27] Your true potent essence out in essence [00:18:30] is light is creation is natural abundance. So when we return to wealth and abundance, we return to vitality, luminosity, magnetism, radiance fertility. We return to ourselves in this journey of reclaiming and recoding the wealth body and the wealthy womb.[00:19:00]

    [00:19:02] And of course it brings into your physical reality, wealth and money. but than that, it brings wealth in all forms because you are vibrating at that energetic tone and frequency.

    [00:19:20] You are vibrating in health and happiness and vitality and activated energy G but

    [00:19:28] deeper than all of [00:19:30] this, this journey is truly about returning back to you. Returning you to you for you to take your space, your seat, your stance in life, in the world.

    [00:19:48] So you become activated and rooted in your power within, and that is the energy that sends ripples like a [00:20:00] force field of energy out from you into everything you create. Everything you are part of wealth is rippling through your relationships, your connections, your creations, your business, out into all of your clients.

    [00:20:22] And it shifts the way you show up in the world and how people feel when they connect with you. When they're in space with you.[00:20:30]

    [00:20:33] you become magnetic,

    [00:20:37] energetic, and vibrant, and that draws people into your space and whether that's the most activated and aligned people for connection, relationships, friends, clients, colleagues, people, you co-create. when you are pulsing at this natural [00:21:00] frequency, they can see you. They can feel you the true magnetic, luminous, wealthy you,

    [00:21:11] and it's when people can truly feel you, that they can connect with you.

    [00:21:19] And that becomes the magnetism of drawing into your life, your business, your ideal clients. Holding that vibration, that [00:21:30] meeting point of wealth, energy, abundance, prosperity, vitality, embodied, pleasure, even lives here.

    [00:21:44] And the deeper, this is embodied and activated. The more able you are to expand to stretch. To open and expand your capacity to hold more, [00:22:00] to circulate more.

    [00:22:06] And it's in that circulation that you can consciously distribute your wealth in. Conscious ways, maybe that next up level into higher states of wealth and abundance is bringing in a team member who can bring in their specific zone of genius and excellence and they support your business [00:22:30] and you support them by pouring wealth and energy and abundance into them for their creations.

    [00:22:41] I mean, you are holding wealth at this frequency and you are rooted and embodied in this energy. The possibilities are so vast for you.

    [00:22:56] And so we really dive deep into the Alka. [00:23:00] process here in wealth, alchemy activation. And I also journey this deeply in my one to one embodied business, alchemy activations, and mentorship programs.

    [00:23:16] And it's the alchemy process that allows us to access what is showing itself, the story that the current story within. [00:23:30] To release to realign and to Recode.

    [00:23:45] And so maybe here, some stories and threads have began to unravel for you around your current experience. And energetic somatic feeling and sensation around [00:24:00] wealth and abundance.

    [00:24:08] And if that is your experience right now in this space of inquiry, I welcome you to just begin to explore. Breathe into your body. And if you feel energetically aligned to join us, I welcome you into the wealth alchemy [00:24:30] activation. It's going to be a potent magnetic, energetic experience for all of the women that step in.

    [00:24:40] And I am so ready to guide you.

    [00:24:47] for now. I welcome you to find yourself comfortable. As I guide you into a journey,

    [00:24:58] find yourself in a [00:25:00] comfortable space, maybe sitting or standing wherever you are to begin to breathe down into your body.

    [00:25:15] Welcome a deep exhale out,

    [00:25:22] sinking down into your body with each breath,[00:25:30]

    [00:25:33] sighing sounding exhaling. Feeling your body softening as you sink deeper and deeper into your physical being

    [00:25:55] beginning to welcome some gentle [00:26:00] motion into your body. Head neck, shoulders, maybe rock or sway. Your spine begins to move spiral. Circle. Undulate.

    [00:26:25] You sink down into your belly and pelvis [00:26:30] hips,

    [00:26:33] Mr. Rocking and swaying motion awakening in your pelvis and hips.

    [00:26:45] Sighing sounding on your breath out, relaxing your jaw and pelvis

    [00:26:59] and [00:27:00] wherever your body is in this current moment. Whatever part of your body is connecting to the ground feel and sense beneath that's the body of the earth and roots down into her.

    [00:27:27] Whether you are standing or [00:27:30] sitting soften and relax down your arms, into your hands.

    [00:27:38] Begin to drink your breath down into your heart, down into your belly.

    [00:27:50] Down into your womb, pouring your out breath down through your roots, legs [00:28:00] and feet into the earth.

    [00:28:06] Connect to this downward flowing breath. This downward flowing energy.

    [00:28:17] Feel your body opening, expanding, softening,

    [00:28:27] breathing down [00:28:30] into your body,

    [00:28:37] begin to bring into your field into your felt sense. The energy of wealth, money, abundance,

    [00:28:52] seeing feeling the energetics of wealth and abundance and [00:29:00] money drawing towards you and arriving into the palms of your hands.

    [00:29:13] How does it feel to hold wealth,

    [00:29:20] whatever feelings rise, allow them to be here, stay curious and open may maybe a feeling of yes. Welcome[00:29:30]

    [00:29:33] or no contraction, whatever it is. Welcome it here. And breathe ground and feel yourself holding wealth, money, abundance, and notice how it feels.[00:30:00]

    [00:30:00] What is the sematic sensation, the felt experience in your body as wealth arrives with you as you are holding money right now.

    [00:30:22] Stay connected to your breath, maybe a gentle sigh out to calm [00:30:30] your body and soothe any parts of you that may be activated in this moment. So you can relax into the presence of connecting to wealth and money.

    [00:30:48] Begin to explore. Can I bring in more? Can you hold more, more energy, more [00:31:00] light, more wealth. How does that feel?

    [00:31:13] Let's drink this vibration and energy of abundance and wealth into your body sands and feel you're drinking it up, receiving it through your palms, up through your arms, into your [00:31:30] chest. Into your heart, filling your neck and throats, filling your face up into the crown of your head,

    [00:31:51] drinking this energy of wealth and abundance in pouring down into your belly. [00:32:00] Down your spine pelvis, filling your pelvic bowl with the frequency of wealth

    [00:32:13] into your womb and root ripples of wealth. Flowing down your legs into your feet.

    [00:32:28] Just a few [00:32:30] moments, a few breaths begin to feel if you can expand ever so

    [00:32:50] slightly holding more energy, more wealth, more pleasure, more joy, more lights, more money. Breathe.

    [00:32:59] You're [00:33:00] opening and expanding your wealth body, recoding your body to hold more.

    [00:33:12] You sink your breath down into your womb. A softening and relaxing. Feel your breath drinking, pouring this energy into your womb space. [00:33:30] Awakening her natural creation, energy, her fertile energy, that of pure abundance.

    [00:33:51] Breathe

    [00:33:55] settle into this energy[00:34:00]

    [00:34:00] merging with this new frequency,

    [00:34:05] you begin to feel an anchor into your

    [00:34:13] physical body.

    [00:34:20] Welcoming a breath in and a sigh out

    [00:34:28] beginning to transition [00:34:30] back into the space around you, connecting to the ground beneath you,

    [00:34:38] rooted, anchored in your physical body.

    [00:34:45] I'm just staying with the energy of this experience. This activation, I invite you to give yourself some space and time just journaling, [00:35:00] writing, exploring what was here for you. What arrived. what was activated and what was shown, seen and felt.

    [00:35:17] And what does money and wealth mean to you? What has it meant for you and how do you desire for it to shift? How [00:35:30] do you now decide. What it gets to be, and to mean for you.

    [00:35:43] If something moved deep inside of you and you are feeling aligned and ready to step in to a deepening journey in the energetics of wealth and money. I welcome you into a sacred container with us. And [00:36:00] if that is the most aligned space for you, I am so excited to meet you there. Thank you

    [00:36:16] for

    [00:36:24] joining me on this journey today. If you love this music and sharing, I [00:36:30] would love for you to share this episode far and wide. You can arrive into all of my offerings@rebecca-wilson.com. Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent powerful embodied version of you.

    [00:36:54] I am here to guide you into that.[00:37:00]

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The Alchemy Process