Alchemy Process
What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is a process of transforming shadow into light.
Healing and integrating process of awakening through the darkness into the light.
There are four stages of the alchemy process: revealing, releasing, re-aligning, and re-coding.
The first stage of the alchemy process is revealing. This stage of the journey is where we arrive at revealing, seeing, and acknowledging our patterns. We acknowledge the beliefs, stories, and identities that we are living out.
We explore what exists in the ways that we show up in our lives, in our relationships, and our business. This first stage is the stage of becoming aware of something: an energy, a story, a pattern, a belief, or a historical experience that lives within.
We begin to illuminate something that may have been held in the shadows, unseen, not fully witnessed or felt. The revealing stage is that feeling when something's rising to the surface, a discomfort, a voice inside that speaks for you to listen and to look at.
This can be something that is possibly echoing through all parts of your life. A story that's on repeat or an experience that keeps on happening. The revealing stage of the alchemy process invites us to look at this or that, whatever it is that's rising, showing itself and bringing it out of the shadow and into the light.
The revealing process often holds a space of curiosity and questioning. We question thoughts, feelings, behaviors, habits, ways of being, and blocked energies that we may be holding on to.
Through becoming aware and shining the light upon them, they are revealed to us, maybe in a new way, a new form.
We are able, in this stage of the process, to bring some space around what is being revealed. This stage is really supported by being curious, exploring, asking questions, and journaling.
The process of revealing is the process of bringing that which lives in the shadow, locked in the body, into the light. It lives in the unconscious and through this process is being made conscious. As it is made conscious, it is brought into our conscious mind and our awareness. That is the space that we're able to transform, to move and shift by revealing that which lives within.
The revealing stage of the alchemy process is not something that is to be forced or pushed or poked. I bear witness to so many women's journeys and a deep knowing of my own journey that these things rise in what feels like divine timing.
We never really need to force this part of the process but rather this part arrives to us and we recognize that we are in a journey, a cycle, a spiral of alchemy, of transformation and it begins with that which is revealed from the darkness,
From the shadow into the light.
As we journey through the revealing process, we naturally begin to take the next step on the alchemy journey. Through revealing, we may have become aware of a particular story that we hold within ourselves. The origin of its thread, cultural, collective, societal, or family system. Maybe it is a belief around pleasure, wealth, success, creativity, business, body, capabilities, your power or your voice.
As we transition through the stages, we bring with us that awareness. We have arrived at the aha moment. The recognising of all the places within our lives that this story is playing out.
This can be a point of great power because when we recognize that when it's made conscious and lives in our awareness, we have the power to shift it. We have the power to alter the belief, the habit, and the energy around it. We begin to alchemise and in turn transform and bring something new in from that experience.
Naturally, the next stage of the alchemy process once we have walked and journeyed through the revealing, is to release.
We arrive at a point in the process, in the journey, in the unraveling of releasing. The release stage could also be seen or felt or experienced as a transmutation.
This stage requires you, first, to bring it into the body and the somatic experience, the feeling that was wanting to be felt. This can sometimes feel counterintuitive as we want to release and just get rid of and let go.
However, there is potency and magic that lives in fully welcoming the experience that is alive to almost allow it, a seat at the table. An opportunity to express, to be heard and felt and witnessed and possibly to be understood even deeper, beyond a cerebral understanding.
We can understand it through the somatic body, the energetics and emotions of the body, and this process of welcoming it into the journey to be felt, given space, to express it somehow in some magical way releases that tight grip that we have around it, and that's where the release comes.
This supports us to close cycles of energy and patterning. What we don't do here in this part of the process is abandon the abandoned parts or reject the rejected parts or tell the parts that they don't feel or aren't worthy of the love as that they're not lovable.
Instead, we welcome them in and allow them space.
When they are offered that space and they have expressed everything around them, they relax, and soften.
That is where the true release arrives.
The release can often arrive as an energetic release, an emotional release, a somatic release, a release from the nervous system, or a release of thought.
It is so beautiful to witness the amount of energy of life force and wealth and abundance of vitality, increased pleasure and joy that becomes available for us, for myself, for the women that I journey with.
When we move through this process, we use so much of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Holding on tightly, gripping on. As we reveal and release, we free up so much of ourselves. So much space is created within us. So much more energy, so much more of ourselves, and our true nature is available for us.
Moving through this part of the alchemy process, we arrive at great spaciousness. There is almost a blank canvas, a blank open space within our soul, our spirit, our psyche, and within our belief systems through the unraveling and the processing and the releasing of what was. We open grand space to what can be, what is possible.
Often I've journeyed with women that have shared that at this stage of the process they almost feel like that's the completion.
My experience within this is that if that space is left open and we don't bring anything into it very often we very quickly fall back into old ways because of nature’s ease, comfortableness, and just pattern.
The next stage of the alchemy process is the stage of realigning. We realign to the truth of our soul and our spirit. We realign to that which we desire to be, to create, to manifest, to feel in our life experiences, in our bodies, in our relationships, and our business.
This part of the alchemy process is all about realigning. We can see that as realigning to the higher version of ourselves. It can be realigned to the deeper, inner part of our soul or our spirit, our essence.
I get to choose at this moment what I would like to bring into this vast, open space I've created.
How do I want it to be now?
What are my beliefs?
What are my identities?
What's the new narrative and the new story, the new energy, the new feeling?
What wants to live here now?
What do I desire to live here now?
This is where it gets to be so expansive because it's all available for you.
You get to create a new now story. The new way of being. You get to write out your reality.
It's already happened. It's already done.
You're realigning with your soul's truth, with your essence, with that part of you that knows.
Reclaiming all the lost and forgotten parts of the self. Reclaiming your voice, your power, your pleasure, reclaiming how good it gets to be. As we move through this stage of the alchemy process, we've realigned and reclaimed and declared how it gets to be how we get to feel.
The recoding stage of the alchemy process is deeply embodied. We've already touched on recoding the mind through journaling and the practices in the previous part of the process.
The recoding is deep and it's cellular and in this, we move the body, we embody the codes, we desire, we are calling in, and we are filling up with. We embody the energy, the frequency, the texture, the wealth, pleasure, abundance, joy, love, expansion, whatever it is that came through in that previous stage of the process, whatever the desire was.
We recode the physical through the energetic experience of somatically embodying your realigned and reclaimed parts.
We embody the new narrative, the new story, and the new beliefs. The body and the being and the energetic field take the shape of that which you are now becoming.
This is true potency because here we get to fill ourselves up so much with energy and light and life force, the divine energy of creation. We recreate our reality through the physical form of our body. We recode every single part of our being to be able to hold the new energy and frequency of the new experiences we've manifested, and we've brought in through this process of alchemy.
It's always so beautiful to witness how differently we move in our body, how differently we move in patterns and energies and ways of being in our life.
How differently we move in our business, in the decisions that we make in our creations, when we have taken this process and recoded and encoded the physical body to hold the energy of that which we have realigned to and reclaimed for ourselves.
Our physical body feels so much different when we are moving from our inner power, when we are centered within, then when we have outsourced our power or lost our center in the external.
The recoding part of the process is bringing that energy that we've realigned to and reclaimed for ourselves so deeply into our being, that we become it. We move into our life from that space. We move into our relationships, and our family dynamics, and we create from that space. We make moves in our businesses and our lives from that space within, that newly recoded embodied experience.
The power of this process is available and if this journey resonates with you and it's something that your spirit and soul are saying ‘a yes’ to explore this alchemy process and the way that I explore it and share it is offered in all containers that I birth into the world.
If your soul is speaking to you and you hear a call, I welcome you to arrive into my world, join me on a journey, and we can create alchemy together.
You can see my offerings and ways I can support you through this process here
Love & Embodied Awakenings
Rebecca x