How I Evolved My Business … The Embodied way!
I wanted to share my own journey within conscious and sacred business and how I have evolved my business - in the embodied way!
When I first began my journey of sacred and conscious business, I wasn't aware that that was exactly what I was doing.
I had been feeling this deep call to step into service and experiences in my own healing journey that led me to a variety of trainings and certifications in many different areas of healing, coaching, and embodiment.
In 2015, I began to open up my world and my space to offer journeys, circles, retreats, and immersions for women. At this point in my journey, in my business, I didn't have a set goal or vision of this becoming a business.
I had my own business as a Bridal makeup artist and Holistic therapies teacher. I traveled across the UK providing training and doing hair and make-up for brides on their big day. I had worked for myself since 19 years old. I was very well versed in operating a business, working with other people, creating offerings and services as well as being my own boss, and looking after all the business aspects of things. Yet somehow when I began this journey, which is nearly a decade ago now, I didn't hold that vision in mind.
Very quickly, the message that I was sharing moved through me, through the women surrounding me, and out into my community and further out globally across the world.
I realised this message needs to be heard, it needs to be experienced.
Women are longing to receive this wisdom and this information and they're longing to be held in these spaces that I was creating and offering. That became the point of pivot for me because it was there at that moment that I recognised the need for the spaces that I create.
I wanted to reach as many women as I possibly could across the world.
I recognised that I could support these women, guide, teach, and mentor them into their own journey of healing and awakening, into their dreams and desires. I can show these women how to embody greater aspects of themselves in life, in relationships, love, and business.
Wild Woman Retreat, Portugal, 2019
It was time to pivot.
I needed some structure within my business and the offerings that allowed me to grow, expand and evolve.
For me, it was vital and really important that the evolution and scaling of my business took place in an embodied way. It's no surprise that I am deeply, deeply connected to the embodiment of all that I do, live, and create. I'm a very body-based person, very tactile and intuitive through the felt sense of my being.
Scaling, growing, and evolving my business needed to arrive for me in an embodied way. It was vital.
I also felt into how this could be an opportunity to grow and expand myself and my inner world.
Through the evolution and the scaling of my business, I was able to meet many different parts and aspects of myself, and still to this day, I continue to do so.
The inner healing was always taking place within the external expansion that was arriving and continues to arrive. It became really important to me and very clear that to evolve my business, the embodied way was to look at and welcome my business as part of the wholeness of who I am.
I often speak about what lives in the body, and lives in the business. All of the patterns and beliefs and narratives that I personally carry inside of myself and the ones that you carry inside of yourself will show up in all areas and facets of life. They will show up in relationships to self, to others, to partners, to children, to family members, to friends and they also show up in your business and your creations.
Especially when the offers you are creating and sharing with the world are birthed from that deep soul place within.
The journey of expanding business and scaling the business in an embodied way - how did I do that and how do I continue to do that?
For me, it was really important that I am deeply committed to and continued my commitment to my own body practice, and my own spiritual practice.
This has always been somatic healing, somatic bodywork embodiment practices, movement, yoga, and meditation.
All of the practices support me to feel connected to myself, which in turn allows me to expand and grow in my business and make decisions.
I take action from an aligned space within myself. Rather than a potential tendency that can arrive to be pulled outside of the self and look at what everybody else is doing and how they're doing it.
These practices support me to stay true to myself and to stay anchored and grounded within my inner world. They have supported me to expand and grow my business in an embodied way along with inner healing of childhood wounds.
Often everything takes us back on a journey toward our formative years. Those patterns and imprints that we create, the stories and narratives and beliefs, that the little child inside of me carries.
Ultimately that then creates a pattern or a blueprint for how we all show up in life …and also how we show up in business.
There is no separation.
So that part of the little child inside that is terrified of being seen or doesn't want to take up too much space. The little child who is scared to speak her truth or her voice, all those wounds rise. These wounds become alive. They become activated.
As we step into sacred business, we are posting on social media, writing emails, writing blogs, creating online immersions, creating retreats, and welcoming women or clients into your world.
Is there a part of you that says ‘will people like this? will they like me? Will I be loved? will I be liked?
These are all childhood patterns from our formative years and they have the potential to show up as we begin to bring ourselves forward in the realm of sacred business.
So, within that healing required for me, is this release of old identities and I began to rescript new beliefs. New beliefs around my capabilities, my passions, my voice, my reason, my why, and so on.
I release my old stories, and my old habits and move out of the historical part of myself. I now make decisions from a present place rather than from an old script or narrative that's running in the background.
Expanding my capacity to be seen and visible has been a huge part of my personal journey in embodied business.
It has been a journey of truly allowing myself to take up space. I know for many of the women that have journeyed with me and that I have guided and supported in embodied business, that has been part of their experience too.
Working with my womb
I have, on my own personal journey, dived really deep into healing my feminine energy and my womb energy. I have awakened my womb space to develop the deeper flowing energy of creation so that this creative source of inspiration is always activated and alive within me.
This is where new ideas, new visions, new concepts, new retreats and immersions, and online courses are birthed from. Deep in that space within and that connection to the creative rivers that flow inside my own being.
Daily embodiment practices to calm my nervous system.
Having an embodiment and somatic movement practice supports my nervous system, to arrive back into a regulated state, as smoothly, and as easily as possible.
This supports me in decision-making and action-taking.
Having the ability to stay regulated and to come back into regulation in a useful, smooth way supports the interactions that we have within life and relationships. It supports all aspects of business, holding space for clients, business meetings, and working with other team members.
All of that requires us to be able to hold on to ourselves and to arrive back into a grounded state of presence.
Having an embodiment and somatic movement practice supports my nervous system, to arrive back into a regulated state, as smoothly, and as easily as possible.
External Support
On my own journey, I have sat with many different teachers, coaches, healers, and therapists to support me in different areas of my life.
Different teachers, therapists, guides, deep bodywork, and healing on an energetic and spiritual level have come in to support me in different seasons of my own life journey and of course, different seasons within my business.
Receiving that support has been huge and vital to feeling nourished, held, witnessed, and understood as to have a space that is a sounding board.
That is an intention of mine to be able to offer that space for women that step into my world.
For women to be in that space of safety and connection so that they feel they are able to express, share, feel and work through any of the blocks, limitations, or experiences they are having that are holding them back within their life and within their sacred business.
Receiving support is huge and I have a team around me constantly that consist of teachers, guides and therapists and coaches, and healers.
But there was also a step for me in receiving support by beginning to build a team that I like to feel into as my village. A team that can support my business and supports me in the evolution and expansion of sharing my message with the world.
Trust and consistency.
Trusting in the process and consistently showing up for yourself. Holding all those tender parts of yourself in a loving embrace through all of the expansions and the contractions that life and business bring enables me to scale and expand my business, in an embodied way. I set an intention to always return back into my why.
Consistently returning to why. Why am I doing what I'm doing? Why do I have this calling? Why am I sharing this? Why am I creating that? What is my reason? Because that is my passion point.
When I sit with my why, I feel it so deeply in my bones. The why drives the motion forward.
When the passion of the why is sourced in the soul it will always be a powerful fuel for driving, evolving, and expanding in all areas of life and business.
Vulnerability and sharing my story.
Another aspect of expansion within my business was becoming really comfortable being able to tell my story and sharing vulnerable parts of myself with others.
That's the piece where your audience, your community begins to build a sense of knowing you, liking you, understanding you, and trusting you because they feel parts of themselves within everything that you share and offer.
When we don't have that vulnerability piece as a leader, we can often feel a sense of disconnect between ourselves and our clients, and the audiences that we're speaking to.
Underneath that, for me, was a big journey of also being able to let go of what others think about me, about what I'm saying, what I'm sharing, what I'm doing, and just trusting that the message will land with the right people, at the right time, in the right space.
… and those that it's not meant to land with. It won't. And that's okay.
The moment that I stepped into the fullness of myself and the moment that I welcomed that fullness into all areas of my life, including my business.
When I brought my whole self and my whole self to my business, my creations, to the connections and the relationships that I form with women that are in my world. Something changed.
It became fuller and richer and more embodied. It began to transform the way I move through my business and my creations and the ideas that I have and the actions I take.
This newfound energy, passion, and light was here and it was really beautiful when that happened.
Are Ready To Do Business The Embodied Way?
If you are a woman in conscious and sacred business from my own personal journey, I have created a six-week Mastermind to support women to expand deeper into themselves and into the creations they are here to offer to the world.
Throughout this Mastermind, we will explore embodiment, releasing stories, reforming limited identities and beliefs, and activating your message, your reason, and your why.
We have limited space for this container which offers an opportunity for depth and intimacy and connection throughout the six weeks. We begin on 1 March 2023.
All the details for the Mastermind are linked here.
I welcome you over to my Instagram. I'd love to hear from you. If this blog has landed with you in any way, it's moved something in you or you've had an AHA moment, come over to Instagram, send me a message, and let me know.
If you think that this blog would be supportive of any other women in your life, then please do share with them.
Share it far and wide. I do desire to be able to touch as many women's lives as possible. To support and guide them into their awakening and birthing their business into the world from a grounded, rooted, regulated, and embodied place.
With love
Rebecca x