Womb Grief

What is womb grief?

Your womb is naturally a holding place (until she is ready to release through menstruation and birth). She is a hollow organ that has the capacity to hold and nurture life and creation. When we take a loving journey back into connection with your body and womb space in a safe and nurturing way, you to release, reconnect, heal and awaken.

Womb grief can be experienced from trauma such as:

  • Miscarriage,  abortion, or stillborn.

  • Loss of your mother or lack of relationship with your mother.

  • Birth trauma or traumatic pregnancy including c-section scars

  • Loss of virginity or womb invasion

  • Sexual abuse or sexual violence

When the womb has experienced trauma, this causes a woman to feel a disconnect from her sacred centre, which may manifest as:

  • PMS,  bloating, irregular cycles or lack of cycles

  • Womb pain

  • Fertility issues

  • Loss of sexual desire

  • Lack of boundaries around her energy

  • Deep sorrow and sadness

  • Fear of Intimacy and painful intercourse

  • Holding onto painful emotions and disconnecting from the body

When a woman has experienced trauma and grief within her womb space she may be holding on to energies and emotions in this holding place.

We can clear the energy imprints and the energetic pregnancy from the womb space by completing the cycle with a ceremony of honor. It is through the feeling of emotions of grief, pain, sadness, anger, rage, and anguish that the body and soul, that we are able to transform and release the heaviness of such an experience.

This is a profound healing experience to clear, release and restore the womb and rebalance, making space for her creations. When the grief of your womb is expressed, she is free again to create beauty.

Womb Grief Rituals

In ancient feminine mystery schools, ritual grieving was a key process of releasing pain and opening back into love. This powerful healing is for women who have experienced abortion, pregnancy loss, birth trauma, fertility challenges, hysterectomy, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, loss of grief of family members and close loved ones, and heartbreak. All these energies and emotions become stored within the womb space when unprocessed.

When you feel ready to truly meet and let go of the burden of shame, guilt, grief, pain, and hurt in your womb, the heart can expand open to new depths of love.

Grieving creates a sacred pathway to restore your sense of trust in life and creates space to welcome a higher vibration of love into your being.

When the grief of your womb is expressed, she is free again to create beauty.

Grief Ceremony: Heart-streaming conscious writing

Stream-of-consciousness writing is an exercise that involves you getting a notebook, picking up a pen, and just writing. You ignore punctuation, style, grammar, format, and anything that stops you from writing. The idea behind stream-of-consciousness writing is that you write in a state of flow.

Stream-of-consciousness writing is a practice that invites you to write down whatever comes to mind. You don’t try to stop it, edit it, bypass it, judge it, or re-phrase it in any other way than how it is coming to you. It is a process of completely pouring your heart and soul onto the pages.

You can begin this journey by setting up a quiet and safe place, where you know you won't be interrupted. Cleanse your space with oils or sage. You can begin with the breast massage practice to open and activate your heart.

The benefits of stream-of-consciousness writing

This exercise is an extremely powerful source of release. Writing down everything that’s on your mind allows you to release the ‘stuff’ that’s weighing you down, this ‘stuff’ that does not allow you (in that moment) to live your life in the way you want.

A further benefit is that you are making sense of what is in your head and your heart at that moment. Very often, we have a myriad of thoughts and emotions flow simultaneously. Depending on the personal situation you’re in you may have thoughts and feelings just going round and round in your mind and your heart with no end. Stream-of-consciousness writing allows you to articulate those thoughts and feelings.

Stream-of-consciousness writing can help you to:

  • Gain insights into yourself and the world around you that you may not otherwise have had.

  • Articulate, and come to terms with, those thoughts and feelings. Commit your thoughts and emotions to paper. Once you’ve finished writing, you have the choice as to whether to keep or discard what you have written.

  • Use this practice to pour from your heart into the pages. Grief, pain, and sadness you have been carrying. Allow your heart to flow into words with no barriers or guards.

  • When you have completed the process, you can hold a fire ritual to burn the pages to signify a release and letting go of the heaviness the heart has been carrying.

We must allow parts of us that no longer serve and that are taking up space to dissolve, to hold a funeral for them in a ceremonial space for grief. Even the parts that we wish to release, the mind holds onto them tightest. As an over-identification of who we are, when we release the hold, soften, and let go of the grasp, allowing those parts their journey of death

Reading this blog may move emotions within you and please know that this is part of the healing experience journey. Hold your hands on your womb, rest, and restore. 

If you want to dive in deeper and learn how to start exploring your womb energy and how to heal the womb space, I invite you to read my Womb Healing blog.

With deep love,

Rebecca x


Tapestry of the Body


Womb Healing