Womb Healing
Healing the womb space
The womb space has its physical expression. It holds the womb, womb lining, ovaries, fallopian tubes, muscles, tendons, and ligaments all in one place. Not only does the womb hold the physical organs, but it is also an energetic centre, similar to the sacral chakra, which holds all our emotional and energetic experiences.
The womb holds residual emotions and energies from past experiences, traumas, abuse, lack of self-love, and any experiences that have brought disassociation to your feminine center.
We can hold energetic imprints that have been passed down to us through our lineage - the womb line -as well as traumas and emotional memories from this lifetime. These energetic imprints stay buried and alive in our subconscious which can create energetic blocks in our womb space.
Having a clear and connected womb center is supportive for mental, physical, hormonal & emotional balance, and clarity and to be able to step fully into your true essence and power.
Your womb space is connected to a plexus of nerves that connect to the spinal cord. This plexus of nerves communicate directly to the brain travelling up the length of the spine into the back of the brain, which is the primal brain. The primal brain is the part that stores trauma.
Descending down into the feminine space of the pelvic bowl and the womb web of nerves to the roots of our being is a pathway of becoming rooted, anchored and in your own centre. Being fully immersed and dissolving into the vast infinite wisdom within.
Womb connection and womb awakening for women who do not have their physical womb space can be a profound experience. I have journeyed with many women who have had a hysterectomy and have created a deep connection to their womb energy centre. It is from this place, whether we hold the physical organs or not, we can soften and dissolve the stories we hold, we heal and create from this energy centre.
Types of Womb Wounding
Accumulated emotions that could not be processed when the initial wounding took place. These emotions include rage, fear, grief, abandonment, guilt, shame, and worthlessness.
Birth trauma & womb grief from miscarriages, stillbirths, and abortions.
Emotional and energetic imprints from past sexual partners, including their aggression, anger, or other low-vibration emotions.
Ancestral wounding and patterns of belief passed down the lineage
Cultural beliefs and impressions
Your womb is a sacred space. She is the deepest space of your feminine essence, creativity and power. When you begin to cultivate a connection to this space within you, you can begin to fully embody the sacred creative expression that lives within you. Embodying a deep sense of knowing, awakening inner wisdom and clarity comes from connecting with your womb and allows true presence within yourself and within each moment that you experience life.
Womb connection and healing support you to release fear and other emotions from the heart and womb space creating inner connection, clarity, and love in your body.
Benefits of Womb Connection
Womb healing from past trauma
Connection to feminine flow
Balanced Womb Energy
Balanced emotions and cycles
Pre-conception cleansing & Healing
Healing Birth Trauma
Clear boundaries
Clearing old energy from past experiences
Support natural menstrual health
Awakened sexual energy
Supports creativity & fertility
The Awakened Womb
When a woman lives from an awakened womb space she lives and moves through life guided by the wisdom within. She enters into a deep state of flow with life as she has awakened to her truest feminine essence and nature
Opening up to Womb Consciousness
As we open up into the energy and consciousness of our Wombs we allow ourselves to see and feel more deeply. Our hearts, Wombs, and souls soften and relax, we are embraced, held, and loved by an energy much greater than we ever knew possible. We open into our sensuality, sexuality, tenderness, and true nature.
When in balance, feminine energy is flowing, creative, calm, and centered.
Awakening your feminine energy supports a woman to live in flow with her inner rhythms and the rhythms of life, to move, change, and adapt to the seasons and cycles of life. This supports a deeper connection of mind and body which supports women in knowing and understanding their needs, expressing their feelings, and living from a centred place of confidence.
How do you start to explore your womb energy?
Lovingly holding your womb space will begin a beautiful journey of awakening this powerful feminine centre. Ways to connect:
Placing your hands on your womb breathing deeply with the intention to connect with her, your womb.
Tracking and becoming aware of your menstrual cycle
Gentle self-womb massage
Honouring your inner seasons and cycles and the cyclical nature of your emotions
Embodied movement practices that support a freeing up or loosening of the hips
Hip opening yoga
Free movement embodied dancing
Spending time in nature and grounding/rooting to the earth.
I invite you to receive this free collection of practices to support alchemy awakening your womb space and feminine energy. Click here
May you awaken deeper into your own centre of power love and creation through the descent down into your womb space
Love Rebecca xx