2022 Year Reflections + EXCITING Announcements for 2023

2022 Year Reflections

New Year, more YOU.

Energetically we’re still in the depths of winter in January.

While reflecting on our year is useful in giving ourselves more space to reflect during this long month at the start of the year can often give us more clarity and a renewed sense of vision and purpose as we move into the newness of the year ahead.

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to Embodied Alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson. An embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller, richer you. I am an embodied business coach, embodiment queen, sacred business midwife, and alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful, embodied, and rooted space within him.

    [00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be. Create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy that is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on Earth. Welcome on the Journey, my love.

    [00:01:08] Hello, beauty's. Happy New Year. Welcome to 2023, and welcome back to the Embodied Alchemy Podcast with me, Rebecca. So I don't know about you. But for me, 2022, the year just passed, was huge in every area, in every facet, in every experience of my life, I was really called deeply into myself to heal, to feel, to grow, expand.

    [00:01:49] Liberate Explore, understand better and deeper myself. Ultimately, I [00:02:00] sense from the amounts of women that are in my world and all of the shares that I have been witness to over the unfolding of last year, that this was a collective year of. Enormous transformation as I sit here and just reflect on the year, it's actually quite astonishing and it's very hard for me to remember the beginning of the year cuz it feels so very long ago.

    [00:02:33] But time gets stretchy like that, doesn't it? So, yeah, welcome to 2023, but I still feel like, you know, these first few days and weeks of January, In most New Years that have gone past, over the past several years, actually, there's been, for me, a deeper call of reflection of just taking time, taking a moment to sit, to rest, [00:03:00] to ponder, to allow space for everything that did arrive and unfold in the year gone by to truly sink in and to settle.

    [00:03:11] You know, energetically, we're still in the depths of winter at this time and reflecting on our year gone by and really just giving that time and space is such a potent practice for us to really align more fully and deeply into the year that we want to. Moving forward. There's often that expression, you know, the space in between and there's so much magic there.

    [00:03:42] If we can truly allow ourselves, if we can give that to ourselves, reflection and integration are such vital processes within the wheel of creation, within the cycle of creation itself. [00:04:00] Very often we are striving into the action. We're deeply conditioned to be in that energy too. Of course, the pushing, the moving forward, the the go button on.

    [00:04:14] So it's nice to maybe just find a space inside of yourself for permission to settle and just be, or maybe you find here in this space a permission from me, someone from the outside, just letting you know it's okay. Give yourself some moments, reflect, explore. Give space, give breath, and rest in the juiciness that the year has that has just gone by, has offered you, because no doubt there was so much wisdom to drink in and integrate and assimilate and digest, and allow that then to become a true living and embodied part of you, this process.

    [00:04:59] [00:05:00] Of, um, integrating and resting and reflecting is vital not only at this time of year, but at, um, certain segments or sec you know, opportunities throughout the year that come. Maybe it's seasonally, maybe it's for you around birthdays or anniversaries or, you know, a summer arrives as autumn comes. We all have our own rituals and ways of sinking deeper into our.

    [00:05:28] And our own timelines, but I find this process a real gift and an opportunity because this is in my experience, where we truly get to, like I said, assimilate and digest the experiences we've had so that they can be absorbed and integrated into our beings and our bodies fully. So that the change and the shifts that have taken place, the awakenings that have come, can truly arrive [00:06:00] not only from a mental and cerebral level, but more deeply into the body, into our being, so that we are able to align, to make different choices moving forward because we are rooted in it from our body.

    [00:06:15] We are the living embodiment of those changes and those transformations. And for me, that is so vital and so important because it's the essential part of our healing, our awakening journey to truly live from the integration is to live from the embodied version of ourselves. So how is 2022 for you? Well, I would love to share how it was for me.

    [00:06:49] Maybe you can resonate, maybe you can reflect, maybe this gives you an opportunity to arrive into some aha moments. Yep. I felt that too. Or [00:07:00] maybe it's just nice to hear somebody else's experience and story of their journey unfolding. So for me, the year of 2022 actually started in a very, Deep contraction.

    [00:07:16] There was a lot moving for me in my inner world, and I had arrived at a place in my journey as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, as a space holder, as a midwife, as a medicine woman, where I could feel that I was being called into something. And if I'm truly honest with myself and with you, that knocking on the door had been happening for some time and it had been happening inside of my own being, but it had also been happening externally too.

    [00:07:56] So that's when I knew it's time to answer that door. [00:08:00] There was many women in my community speaking into and. Offering me such great reflections of the next level or the next part of my journey that I was about to expand into. And there was some resistance. I wanted to stay where I was because that was familiar and safe unknown.

    [00:08:23] But as these things go, the universe, spirit creator, divinely, intervened and brought me. into the year of 2022 in a really big death cycle, and it was a real process of letting go of. a lot of things that I had created for over many years. My business and my work began to shift and alter many women in my community asking me to guide them and lead them and mentor them as space

    [00:09:00] holders and business owners and creators and healers, and coaches and therapists, and.
    [00:09:08] That was the call, that was the knock on the door. So I answered, and I had been doing this in many different ways before last year. Well, 2022 is really me stepping into a fuller expression of my leadership, and that was massive. Huge, as we know and as I've spoken into so often, you know what lives in the body, lives in the business, lives in your creations, and when we're called upon to step forward into a greater aspect of ourself in our leadership, in our business as an entrepreneur.

    [00:09:47] As a creative, we don't just step forward in one area. There's no separation. So I was stepping forward in all areas simultaneously, and then of course all of the beliefs and stories

    [00:10:00] and habits and ways of being and wounds and shadows that were locked away at that previous iteration of myself, or maybe kept at bay hidden in the shadows of my psyche.

    [00:10:14] They all, of course, began to. Step into the light and be illuminated. So this journey that I went on throughout the year of expanding my business, expanding my reach, my visibility, my audience, shifting my offerings, stepping into a greater capacity, being able to expand myself to hold. to really stand in the position of leader wise woman spiritual midwife, a medicine woman, and to truly own that part of myself has transformed every single area of my existence.

    [00:10:58] My relationship has [00:11:00] changed. My relationship with my family has changed. , my relationship to myself has shifted the most deeply, and I feel even more at home and embodied than ever before. And for me, that's the great takeaway actually, of the year gone by. The journey has manifest externally in so many beautiful.

    [00:11:26] Deepening of sisterhood, deepening of community, deepening in my relationship, deepening with my family members, deepening with my friends, but the most profound and the most magical unfolding has been the deepening into myself in my relationship to. I am really getting clear and understanding on a much, ah, deeper cellular bone deep level who I am [00:12:00] and what I have to say, and who I am in the world, and what I am here to truly do and to share and to speak what I stand for.

    [00:12:10] My core values, my beliefs. The energy that I am here to express what I, I will and will not stand for and tolerate. And that has. As I know, many of the women that had journeyed with me through the past year has rippled into my business and my creations and the space that I hold, and it's just taken it up.

    [00:12:33] Another layer, several notches up. Yeah. It's the energy of the. Space that we gather in now is more potent and more powerful than I ever could have thought possible. And I really believe that is because I am more embodied than ever before. I have [00:13:00] always felt myself to be an embodied. , but this year has brought me even deeper in and it humbles me to know there's always much deeper layers to find and to journey into and explore.

    [00:13:14] But that has been the central pillar of me expanding and deepening as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as a creator, as an embodied woman, as an embodied leader. and that has led me to be able to spend some time really sinking into the seeds that I wanted to sew and plant and nurture and water for the offerings that are being birthed this year.

    [00:13:46] And as I sat quietly in some reflection, I could just hear the strong, powerful voice. The feminine of the mother. Call the [00:14:00] women and gather them. It is time for them to awaken. Yeah. Whew. I still get tingles. That meditation that I received, that message was life changing. And from there, my own creative process unfolded as it does and.

    [00:14:21] Containers, offerings, retreats, masterminds have been created, all with that in mind to guide women deeper into themselves. And it's so interesting at this time as we do reflect and it's the New year energy, and there's often these things flow thrown around like New Year, new you. And I'm here to hold the position and to share the inspiration and the intention of New Year.

    [00:14:51] More You, not new you. There's nothing new that needs to happen here. New Year, more you. [00:15:00] That is my intention for the year. That is my intention for all the spaces that I hold and create and offer throughout the year is to bring all the women that step. Deeper, more fully into themselves. So they are more them.

    [00:15:20] They are living as more of themselves, fully expressed, fully embodied, rooted, and grounded in their body and being. More of whatever their heart desires them to have to be to do, to create in the world for women to really live from that place within, inside of themselves to be rooted, anchored within. So if you are feeling that deep in your body and your bones tingles within, know that it's a sign.

    [00:15:53] Your body, your soul wants that to. And we have the most amazing [00:16:00] offerings to support you with that throughout the year. We have four retreats, and they will be in spring, in summer, and in autumn. The link for those will be in the show notes. They'll be based in the UK and we will be back traveling to Portugal in the summer for a deep dive embodied immersion.

    [00:16:24] I cannot wait to go back to that land and sit in ceremony and circle with women and swim in the river. The beautiful gra Vito. We had so many retreats on that beautiful land before Covid time, so I'm so excited that it's all open and we are able to gather and travel and meet again there. If you're feeling the call to journey, here are the containers for you.

    [00:16:50] In February, we open the first session of our Embodied Awakening 10 month activation. This is a journey [00:17:00] for women that desire to awaken. We'll be covering so many different topics of healing and awakening the heart, the womb pleasure, the body releasing stories. Narratives, beliefs. We'll be anchoring into magnetism, becoming more available for life, for love, for joy, for connection, creation, wealth, pleasure, abundance, and everything else you can possibly imagine.

    [00:17:31] Rooting deeper into power boundaries. Vocal expression. This is the container for women that are desiring to awaken or deepen into their awakening. And then through the spring, we will have the Embodied Business Six Week Mastermind. This is a mini intensive mastermind where we'll be covering topics for women in creation and business, such as messaging.

    [00:17:59] Your [00:18:00] why, your mission statement. Magnetism, somatic scaling business and the nervous system, and this is a more intimate container. We will be welcoming around 14 to 16 women into this space, and this is a real opportunity to activate some new energy in the spring ready for you to create in your business, your work, your creations, throughout the rest of the.

    [00:18:30] women who join the Embodied Business six week Mastermind receive embodied awakening for 50% off. The intention of this is to offer a space for you to truly explore your inner world through a longer period of time. So you get the 10 months, and then you'll also get the six weeks intensive. The intention behind the 10 month container [00:19:00] and the intention behind the shorter containers being welcomed into the 10 months is that from a deep knowing and understanding that what is embodied is actioned, and we need time and space to unravel, unfold, process, and integrate all of our experiences.

    [00:19:22] And then as we move into. The depths of awakening of Spring, we have the Embodied Woman six Month Mastermind. This is a mastermind that is available for 10 women only. It begins in May for six months, and then it rolls on from then for another six months. The women that stay in, stay in, and if there's any spaces, we take new enrollments after those six months, and this is for the woman that wants it.

    [00:19:53] The Embodied Woman, a mastermind and mentorship covering everything [00:20:00] it is to be a woman, to be in business, in leadership, in creation, as a space holder, as a mother, as a partner, as a lover, as a wife, as a sister, and so on. And the women who step into the six month journey will receive the embodied awakening, 10 month activation, gifted as part of their experience.

    [00:20:24] All the links to the containers I've just mentioned will be in the show notes. So please do feel free to pop on in there. Scroll down, press the links, see what feels aligned and activated for you. Uh, we will also be gathering on the 11th of January for a shamanic vision quest. And this is available for all women in business, in not in leadership, in not creators awakening women.

    [00:20:53] And this is a journey where we will, through the dream realm and dream scape and shamanic journey [00:21:00] of the body vision, dream up, create, manifest, and embody the feeling sensation, vision, desires that you have, that you want to create in your year ahead. The link for that is below. I am so excited to welcome you into a journey and welcome you back into the community if you've been journeying with us before, and welcome you into the community of gorgeous women.

    [00:21:32] If you have not yet joined us for an offering or an activat, Happy New Year once again. Take time to reflect. I hope that my ponderings and my reflections have supported you in some way. Join us for the vision quest. It's going to be so potent. First New Moon of the year. Let's create magic together.

    [00:21:59] Sending you so [00:22:00] much love. Have a beautiful day. I'll see you there.

    [00:22:08] Thank you for joining me on this journey today. If you love this musicing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and wide. You can arrive into all of my offerings at Rebecca Wilson dot. Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent, powerful, embodied version of you.

    [00:22:38] I am here to guide you into that.

My Offerings to you to make 2023 your most embodied yet…..

Shamanic Vison Quest 11th January

Embodied Awakening 10 Month Journey

Embodied Business 6 Week Mastermind ~ March

The Embodied Womban 6 Month Mastermind + Mentorship ~ May

Retreats + Immersions

Receive your gifted journey here

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Love Rebecca xx


Practices That Will Awaken Your Feminine Energy


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