Are You Ready For More?

Feminine Essence

The Feminine Yearns for More

She is the expression of everything

The more you desire externally is rooted in the desire to embody more of yourself

As you awaken deeper into yourself you will become more available for life, love and connection

I welcome you to join us on that journey love.

  • Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.

    [00:00:00] Welcome to Embodied Alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson. An embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller, richer you. I am an embodied business coach, embodiment queen, sacred business midwife, and alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful, embodied, and rooted space within him.

    [00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be. Create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy that is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on earth. Welcome on the Journey, my love.

    [00:01:08] Hello, loves welcome to Embodied Alchemy. welcome on another journey with me. Recently, I have been exploring my capacity for more, to receive more of everything I desire to create, to embody, to feel, and to experience in my life. , maybe you can resonate with this desire too. It's a deep, deep desire of the feminine.

    [00:01:45] What I have been exploring and uncovering is that this deep yearning for moreness, more of all of the yummy things in life [00:02:00] is really root. In a deep desire for more of me, for more of myself, my fullness in its fullest expression, more aliveness in my body, more vitality, more expression, more feeling, more sensation, more experience.

    [00:02:30] and this is the truest expression of the feminine. More, more, more . The feminine is everything, everything all at once and then more on top because the feminine is energy, it's life, it's everything. Every single emotion and expression. In one [00:03:00] big whirlpool of divinity, my gosh, it's just so alive and full.

    [00:03:11] And this is the deepest yearning of the feminine, the feminine essence, the feminine nature in all beings. However we identify the feminine essence is the full express. Of the truth, of the aliveness of the moment, but to yearn for more and desire more, we must be more of ourselves. We must awaken more into ourselves.

    [00:03:46] That yearning that we place outside of ourselves is really the call from deep within. To sink down into that place, down into that space in [00:04:00] us, in you, in me, to feel the depths of everything that pulses through us, that more, more that exists outside is the call for more. , of course, many of us, through our life experiences have been told that the moreness of ourselves is not welcome.

    [00:04:30] It's too much, not welcome here. Not in that way. Bit more, not too much, a bit more, not that much. You're too big. You're too bold, you're too bright. You're too loud. I am sure you have your own narratives and experiences of this, which I'm speaking into more, more, more. Not like that. Don't be like, this should be like [00:05:00] that.

    [00:05:01] Suppress yourself a little. Pop yourself in this box. Be a good girl. Be smaller, be pretty, be quiet. Don't be too much. Don't ask for too much. Don't expect too much. And so on and so on. It's a narrative that I have heard thousands of different expressions and experiences of most, if not all, of the women that I have sat with over the many years that I have been guiding women into their awakenings have expressed in their own way, shape, and form this narrative.

    [00:05:41] The fear of being too much, the fear of wanting. The fear of more itself, needing to stay small, to not express, to disconnect from her feelings, sensations, emotions, to push them [00:06:00] really deep down inside, to block them away, to lock them away, to disconnect from the body, to live, from the mind to disassociate and disembody completely, because that's where it's safe.

    [00:06:13] So when we arrive or the call for the mourners comes and knocking or banging on the door, it's the feminine, the suppressed, and the repressed feminine inside saying, Hey, I wanna be heard and I want to be seen, and I want to be felt. When she's knocking at the door of your own inner world, of your own psyche, of your own being, because we can, of course, find all the spaces outside of ourselves where the mourns has not been welcomed or invited, and will continue to find all the stories and all the people, and all the places that support [00:07:00] that belief in narrative so that we don't have to truly awaken into our.

    [00:07:06] Because it's deep and it's uncomfortable and it's messy. But my gosh, it is beautiful in all of its rawness, in all of its messiness, in all of its untangling the feminine. When she unravels herself to step back into her truest nature and begins to freely express herself through. . It's like radiant golden light dancing in a dark night sky.

    [00:07:40] All the stars. Come back online. It's like the universe. Here it is. Here she is. And the journey of arriving into that is one of opening the [00:08:00] blocks. The doors, it's lifting the veils, it's breaking down the walls that have been placed inside. It's removing all of the beliefs and stories that have kept us in our own self suppression.

    [00:08:17] That was too much for them back then, so it'll be too much forever. I can't ask for my needs to be met or express what I need in this moment because, and all these archives of expression, all these archives of past emotion and past experience that we store in our bodies and in in our beings hold us so trapped in a particular shape, pattern, or way of relating with ourself, with life, with the world, with love, and it impacts and affects our.

    [00:08:59] [00:09:00] relationships. It impacts and affects the motherhood journey. It impacts and affects the journey into business and creation. It impacts and affects friendships, family partnerships. It impacts the capacity we have or the ability we have to open to. Love to give, love to express love, to receive love. As we take this journey to embody and to awaken, it's the journey of taking down those walls, releasing the barriers, removing the blocks, allowing a gentle unfolding so the pathways of expression of energy, of emotion can begin to flow.

    [00:09:51] So there's young parts inside of ourselves that have been told, no, not like that. Don't be this, don't be that. Get [00:10:00] to relearn and repa into that which we want urine and desire them to be. We reshuffle and re imprint our nervous system, which releases the dormant energies from past childhood or life experiences that have kept us bound.

    [00:10:20] That have kept us participating in our own sense of feeling trapped, our own sense of not being free, and that is a journey of liberation of the self through the self into the self. That is what the calling is for. That is what? Speaking to you, singing to you, screaming to you what she is rising up within you to call you into yourself and your own liberation.

    [00:10:59] The [00:11:00] feminine awakens from within, from within the dark void inside, and when she begins to come back online, when she is remembered, she is. The balance and harmony is activated. Women who take this journey become more available for life, more available for connection, for love and intimacy. Hearts melt as barriers, dissolve a profound opening into connection to self.

    [00:11:38] to love with another love for creativity, for life, for nature, for your children. A deepening and opening in the pelvis and womb as a woman returns back into herself, into her center. She restores and remembers her creative power and potential [00:12:00] to seed, gest, date and birth her creations into the world.

    [00:12:08] Birthing children, birthing visions, birthing creative projects, ideas, businesses, rebirthing herself over and over again. There is a deep yearning, a deep, deep yearning that lives within us all for connection, for community, a space to truly be seen, felt and witnessed in our authentic express. to begin a journey of arriving into that, we begin to release all that stands in its way, and this is the real journey of awakening so that we become more accessible, more available for that which we desire to have in our life.[00:13:00]

    [00:13:00] We will be journeying through this in a very profound, deeply embodied way. In our embodied awakening activation, it's a 10 month journey. We begin with our opening ceremony in February, 2023. We are welcoming women in to the container. Now, this will be a journey of connection. to yourself. A profound inner awakening.

    [00:13:28] We will be exploring embodied awakening, releasing habits and stories from the body, awakening your heart, awakening, womb awakening, pleasure, awakening, embodied abundance, rooting into self mastery and self leadership, activating and cultivating boundaries. opening and accessing your voice healing wounds of too muchness, [00:14:00] abandonment, visibility being seen so that you become more available for your life and all the desires you have for it.

    [00:14:10] So you become more available to receive everything your heart yearns for. We will gather in a beautiful community of. where connection and is restored as you share, express, honor, and hold space for self and other, these spaces heal so much, so deeply. It's an honor always to create them, offer them, and bear witness to the unfoldings and the transformation that comes.

    [00:14:45] So if you are yearning for all of that and. I welcome you to join us, my love. All the details are in the show notes linked below. You are so welcome to Step Into My [00:15:00] World on Instagram at rebecca underscore Wilson. Underscore, connect with me there, share with me all your thoughts and feelings and welcome you to step into this space with us.

    [00:15:15] It's gonna be a journey. It's gonna be a deep, profound ride. But may we awaken in connection to self and to community, A sisterhood where we gather in sacred way to support an ancient remembering. I'll see you there, my love.

    [00:15:40] Thank you for joining me on this journey today. If you love this musicing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and wide. You can arrive into all of my offerings at Rebecca Wilson dot. Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode [00:16:00] notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest, most potent, powerful, embodied version of you.

    [00:16:10] I am here to guide you into that.

Your Awakening Is Here


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