Awakening Womb Of Creation Meditation
Awakening The Womb as A Portal of Manifestation + Creation Meditation.
Creating Magic from An Awakened Womb Manifesting Through The Womb As A Portal Of Creation.
A woman who has awakened to her Creative Womb Energy is in Connection to the spark of creation magic within her body and womb space.
This naturally creates a vibration of creation, instant manifestation and abundance within her whole body, womb and energy field.
When a woman awakens the light within her womb she returns into a remembering.
Note: this transcript was generated automatically. Its accuracy may vary.
[00:00:00] Welcome to embodied alchemy with me, Rebecca Wilson, an embodied experiential space for you to drop deep into the wealth of wisdom within your being. And activate a fuller richer you. I am an embodied business coach embodiment queen sacred business, [00:00:30] midwife, and Alchemist. I will help you birth your visions and sacred business into the world from an easeful embodied and rooted space with him.
[00:00:43] So you can be who you are here to be, create what you are here to create and activate the wealth of energy. That is you. I will activate you into self leadership, self mastery to [00:01:00] create your legacy on earth. Welcome on the journey. My love.
[00:01:16] Welcome to this journey, awakening the womb as a portal of creation.
[00:01:29] Let's take [00:01:30] a few moments to allow your body to find a comfortable place to rest that may be sitting cross-legged supported, or
[00:01:45] it may be laying on the ground or a.
[00:01:53] Just finding a place, a space where your body feels able to [00:02:00] settle and rest in these moments.
[00:02:08] As you arrive here into this space. This place, your body feels able to settle to rest and receive.
[00:02:25] We begin to bring awareness [00:02:30] to your breath, just welcoming
[00:02:36] some deep conscious breaths in and out.
[00:02:48] Maybe as you exhale, your body releases a sigh, a sound, a [00:03:00] yawn
[00:03:03] J just allow the natural easeful rhythm of your. In and out of your body,
[00:03:17] trusting that your body knows in these moments exactly what she needs to feel supported and able to[00:03:30]
[00:03:35] relax. Maybe some gentle movement arrives. As you consciously breathe in and out as you deepen and slow your breath in and out,
[00:03:58] there may be [00:04:00] some motion or awakenings in your body.
[00:04:18] This allow those motions, those movements to arrive, to support you, to sink even deeper [00:04:30] into a place of comfort, maybe a turning of the. Circling of the shoulders, a stretching down through the arms, into the hands, maybe your spines, sways or circles, or stretches and presses down into the supports beneath.[00:05:00]
[00:05:03] Hips pelvis is gently unwinding,
[00:05:12] maybe a rocking or swaying motion here. As you stretch down through the length of your legs, into your feet.
[00:05:27] And drinking a deep [00:05:30] belly, full breath in
[00:05:36] and pouring out a big exhale hail,
[00:05:46] and just allow that breath. As many times as your body needs exhaling with the intention of relaxing [00:06:00] and softening with each wave of exhale, sinking down into your body and down into the support beneath you.
[00:06:26] Sink your awareness down into your [00:06:30] body, down into your heart space. Breathe here. Welcome a tender, gentle breath and awareness. Into the space of your heart
[00:06:57] and with each exhale, [00:07:00] feel a gentle opening with your heart space.
[00:07:14] Feel any tension. Barriers blocks held in your heart, dissolving with the flow of your breath.[00:07:30]
[00:07:31] Relax, soften, arrive into your
[00:07:39] hot space.
[00:07:53] Sinking your awareness down through your heart, down [00:08:00] into your belly, relaxing and softening your navel.
[00:08:11] As your awareness sinks deeper down now
[00:08:20] down into your pelvic bowl, drink your breath down into your pelvic.[00:08:30]
[00:08:34] Feel your wo expanding feeling as you breathe into her.
[00:08:47] And as you breathe out, pour your out. Your exhale down through your roots, into the earth, [00:09:00] into the ground, the support beneath you
[00:09:07] and beneath that the earth connecting to
[00:09:16] this descending flow of energy. Pouring down into womb on the breath in
[00:09:29] [00:09:30] pouring down into the ground, into the earth, on the breath out.
[00:09:40] Welcome this feeling of arriving sinking down into your body. Down into your pelvis, down into your womb.[00:10:00]
[00:10:02] Feel a channel of energy that connects your heart space and your womb space. A
[00:10:18] channel of light pouring down from your heart, into the center point of your womb down into your[00:10:30]
[00:10:36] cervix. Visualize sense. Feel this light as a golden.
[00:10:47] And this golden light
[00:10:51] is pouring down into your body. With each breath you are drinking [00:11:00] in this golden light. It's
[00:11:05] warm, soft, tender light. With a gentle radiance, a gentle activation
[00:11:22] drink this golden light down into your wom space.[00:11:30]
[00:11:30] Feel sense. See your womb filling with golden luminous.
[00:11:42] This is the golden source light of creation.
[00:11:53] Drink this golden light down into your whim space. The source [00:12:00] space of all creation.
[00:12:09] Relax into the pulsing light, filling your womb,
[00:12:18] soften into the
[00:12:24] sensations as this energy of creation fills you.[00:12:30]
[00:12:30] Spirals circles, pulsing. Gold and light expanding in your wo space
[00:12:50] sands. Feel, see this gold and light shining in all directions [00:13:00] shining in the full. Space of your womb, pelvis root pull, sing in your cervix. And YNY this
[00:13:21] golden light, this strong, the strong and vibrant pulsing in the source [00:13:30] center of. Creation your wo space. And this golden light carries the energy and the frequency of creation, divine creation.
[00:13:52] As this golden light fills your womb. It awakens reawaken. [00:14:00] The codes and the energy of creation within you within your womb,
[00:14:14] pure light of creativity and creation, reawakening the creation energy within your womb space.[00:14:30]
[00:14:33] Awakening your womb as the sore space of your creations, your visions and inspirations, everything you desire to birth to give a life, to, to birth into the world. In life [00:15:00] in art, in business, in family, in relationships in love. In pleasure in creation in birth
[00:15:14] you birth creation through the portal of creation within your sacred womb.
[00:15:28] Feel the gold light [00:15:30] activating and awakening your
[00:15:45] womb of creation.
[00:15:56] Softening into the pulse of energy, [00:16:00] feeling that rhythm, that natural rhythm of energy of creation within your womb.
[00:16:15] And beginning to bring your awareness back now to the whole of your physical body, still being with that rhythm, that pulse that's awoken within the [00:16:30] creation codes activated in your womb.
[00:16:37] And journeying back into your physical body with a deepening of your breath in and out
[00:16:48] and gentle stretch a sigh, a YRN
[00:16:59] [00:17:00] stretching through your arms, your. Feeling your whole body awakening
[00:17:12] resting your physical hands upon your womb space. These final few moments is feeling that pulse of energy creation light within your.[00:17:30]
[00:17:30] Drinking one final deep breath in
[00:17:37] a long sigh. As you breathe out, supporting a transition back into the space around you
[00:17:52] returning with this light of creation lit. And awoken[00:18:00]
[00:18:23] within.[00:18:30]
[00:18:33] Thank you for joining me on this journey today. If you love this musicing and sharing, I would love for you to share this episode far and why you can arrive into all of my Links to dive deeper with me are in the episode notes. Remember my love. You are here to be the fullest.
[00:18:58] Most potent [00:19:00] powerful embodied version of you. I am here to guide you into that.