The Sacred Pause
A Journey to Reconnect with Ourselves
In a world filled with endless distractions, it's a rare moment when we find ourselves truly present, deeply connected to our own bodies and the world around us. Yet, within the chaos of our daily lives, there exists a powerful tool that can help us ground ourselves, recenter, and find our way back to our true essence.
The Sacred Pause.
From a moment I had the other day, I was in the kitchen. I had just finished my breakfast, and then it happened. A beautifully overwhelming sense of calm and presence washed over me.
It was as if time stood still, and I could feel every part of my body firmly rooted to the ground.
My breath, deep and nourishing, allowed me to feel the rise and fall of my belly, and it felt like I had truly arrived in my body. The spaciousness within me radiated with calm and ease, and everything around me seemed to slow down.
At that moment, I whispered to myself, "I am so here," and I surrendered to that feeling for what felt like an eternity, though in reality, it was just a few seconds.
But then, almost urgently, another energy began to rise within me, and my breath grew shallow. A sense of panic and fear infiltrated my system. The inner guard, the protector, a part of me, felt threatened by the calm and presence I had found.
It was as if it wondered, "Is it safe to be this present? Is it safe to be this relaxed, embodied, grounded? Is it safe to breathe this deep?"
My inner protector was on high alert, ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice.
This delicate dance we perform within ourselves—the contrast between moments of calm and presence and the underlying fears and anxieties that often lurk in the shadows.
It's a dance that many of us are all too familiar with.
In my work and teachings, I guide women to explore The Sacred Pause. This concept revolves around creating the necessary space in our lives to breathe, to be, and to simply exist.
We live in a world that constantly demands our attention and action, and carving out moments of stillness and presence is essential for reconnecting with our inner selves.
The Sacred Pause is our lifeline to pivot, to reframe our experiences, and to find a path back to the present moment. As I shared earlier, in that moment of stillness and presence, an old part of me could have easily taken over, crafting stories about my environment, and activating my ego's protective mechanisms.
It would have been a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, none of which would serve me in that moment.
However, through practices such as presentencing, embodiment, and cultivating a connection with our bodies, we can bring The Sacred Pause into our lives.
The Power of the Breath.
It's not a complicated or time-consuming practice. It's as simple as taking a deep breath in and letting out a sigh. Sometimes, that breath is all it takes to shift our perspective, to create space for awareness and presence.
In those moments when life feels constricted and old patterns threaten to take control, we can use The Sacred Pause to connect with the parts of ourselves that are trying to communicate with us. We listen to their wisdom and stories, and in doing so, we can reframe our inner narratives.
This process allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our triggers, and our wounds.
When we take responsibility for our reactions and emotions, we empower ourselves to choose how we interact with the world. It's not about blaming ourselves for what happens to us but rather taking charge of how we respond to those experiences.
This is where true sovereignty and power lie.
Taking Radical Responsibility for Ourselves
By embracing The Sacred Pause and radical self-responsibility, we become more available for our lives and for our interactions with others. We no longer need to carry the burden of fixing others or taking responsibility for their actions. Instead, we create a harmonious energy within our relationships.
In those moments when life feels heavy and overwhelming, The Sacred Pause can be our anchor. It offers us the opportunity to reconnect with our bodies, our emotions, and our true selves. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, a journey that can lead us to the absolute embodiment of sovereignty and power.
I invite you to embrace The Sacred Pause in your life. Take a breath, let out a sigh, and inquire within. Listen to the parts of yourself that are trying to communicate. In these moments, you'll discover a well of wisdom and insight that can guide you on your path to wholeness and presence.
We are all on this path together, supporting each other, and as we rise together, we can create a more harmonious world.
Thank you for being here and sharing this journey with me I'd love to hear from you, to learn about your experiences with The Sacred Pause and how it's supporting you in your life.
Connect with me on my Instagram and share your journey with me.
If you know a woman in your life who would benefit from this message, I encourage you to share it with her.
Doors to the resourced woman open in November. A 3-week live group programme with resources and practices to lead you back to your whole self. You can sign up here.
with love,
Rebecca x